July 31, 2024

Congress must take action on election AI deepfakes and voter deception

The risk of nefarious actors using deceptive artificial intelligence to spread political misinformation grows by the day. Easily accessible technology tools enable anyone — whether a state actor, political organization, or lone activist — to generate candidate deepfakes and false election information. Such content can reach millions of voters online and undermine the integrity of our elections.

Business for America (BFA) is proud to mobilize the business community to support S.2770, the Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act. This bipartisan legislation cosponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) bans the knowing distribution of materially deceptive AI-generated audio or visual media of a federal candidate with the intent to influence an election or solicit funds, while allowing First Amendment exceptions for parody, satire, and news broadcasts. S. 2770 provides legal recourse for federal candidates to respond to misleading content.

While states are taking action, Congress has yet to pass any laws regulating the use of AI in elections for federal candidates. This leaves voters to decipher fact from fiction in purposely misleading content. Deceptive AI is already sowing confusion among the public and will certainly escalate as Election Day grows nearer, but by then it will be too late to take legislative action.

Businesses want their employees to participate in the 2024 election and make informed decisions, free from falsehoods. Deceptive AI undercuts the efforts of thousands of businesses who encourage greater employee civic engagement and election trust.

Businesses are invited to sign onto BFA’s letter in support of S. 2770. To learn more about BFA’s work on election AI, please contact Richard Eidlin, national policy director.

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About Business for America
Business for America is a nonpartisan nonprofit business membership organization advancing solutions to boost civic engagement, reduce political polarization, and modernize government. A well-functioning democracy will foster a more competitive, innovative business climate in America. Businesses interested in getting involved can learn more at bfa.us.