
At Business for America, we believe that businesses can play a positive, genuinely nonpartisan role in our politics. Doing so requires aligning our actions with our values.

We believe It is in the economic interest of every business to ensure that our republic perseveres. Safeguarding constitutional democracy and the rule of law, rebuilding trust in civic institutions, diminishing political polarization, and fostering bipartisanship are critical to our country’s future.

We believe the business community has a responsibility to protect the democratic institutions that allow American business to thrive. Unparalleled innovation and enterprise rely upon both our liberties and the rule of law. As these institutions have enabled our successes, we have a duty to protect them.

We believe that society and businesses will benefit when a critical mass of companies take action. Responsible businesses will foster an environment in which more companies will thrive, more Americans will prosper, and trust in our civic institutions will be restored.

BFA recommends the below partners’ outstanding work on corporate political responsibility.

Erb Principles for Corporate Political Responsibility

A comprehensive framework to help leadership teams make decisions with an integrated approach across all forms of political influence.

BFA is a proud network partner of the Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce (CPRT) at the Erb Institute at the University of Michigan. We encourage every company seeking to align their political influence with their commitments to values, purpose, stakeholders, and shareholders to consider adopting the Erb Principles for Corporate Political Responsibility.

The Erb Principles offer an actionable, nonpartisan template to help companies examine their role — including when, why, and how they get involved — to ensure they are engaging responsibly in civic and political affairs.

We support the Erb Institute’s Principles for Corporate Political Responsibility and encourage companies to adopt these principles. Developed in a nonpartisan collaboration with business leaders and diverse stakeholders, these principles build on other commitments to investors, employees, customers, and communities, and will help to evolve the contract between business and society.

Center for Political Accountability: Model Code

BFA is a proud partner of the Center for Political Accountability (CPA), who works collaboratively with companies to improve transparency and increase accountability in corporate political spending.

The CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability is the only measure of electoral spending transparency and accountability for the country’s largest public corporations. The index measures performance in disclosure, company political spending decision-making policies, and board oversight and accountability policies.

We encourage companies to consider adopting the CPA-Zicklin Model Code of Conduct for Corporate Political Spending to govern their political spending. To learn more, please see the Guide to Becoming a Model Code Company, which explains the Model Code, how it helps companies manage political spending in a high-risk environment, and how to implement the code.

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